Friday, December 17, 2010

Top Picks of the Day - December 17th, 2010

Song: Lil Wayne - 6'7'' The return of the self-proclaimed greatest rapper alive. This hard hitting track features Cory Gunz and will be the first single from the long awaited Carter 4 due out in February (supposedly). Welcome back Wayne, and to put it in his own words, he "got through that sentence like a subject and a predicate."

News: Larry Flint seems to have an information addiction far superior to mine. I know that most would consider him less than noble given his past but I have to commend him for his undying efforts, and money, put towards facilitating democracy a la data. Viva Wikileaks Mr. Flint!

Websites: For all my fellow social network fiends, here is a cool tool I stumbled across called You can update all of your social networks whenever needed. Its also free! Its like crack without the whole money thing.  

TV Series: I think I might take this out of the blog until I move on to a new show. What do you think?

Video: Sledding behind a fighter jet. Epic.

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